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How to Become a Vendor

We welcome information from companies or businesses that are interested in learning more about how to become a Savvik vendor.

We ask that the initial communications with the Savvik be in writing or email to our office. Please submit a letter of interest, current product catalog, and price lists to:

Savvik Buying Group
Attn: Mickey Schulte, Executive Director
56 33rd Ave S, PMB 344
St. Cloud, MN 56301
Email Mickey
Fax: 320-251-8154
E-mail is the preferred method

Savvik desires to develop a ‘partnership’ with each of its contract vendors, bringing suppliers and providers together in the true spirit of cooperation. The preference of Savvik is for three-year exclusive contracts. The majority of the contracts Savvik awards are awarded following a request for proposal (RFP) process.

Savvik considers the following criteria in selecting companies to be invited to submit a proposal:

  • The company and its representatives should have demonstrated knowledge of the product and have an adequate sales force to properly serve Savvik members.
  • The company must have adequate product inventory to fill Savvik member requests.
  • The company must be in good financial condition to assure the continuous supply of product.
  • The company should be recognized within the EMS industry for its good character and sound ethical principles.
  • The company must be able to handle business transactions, billing, shipping, follow-up, etc. efficiently and promptly.
  • The company should have demonstrated its potential for growth in sales, in reputation, and an overall commitment to excellence.
  • The company should demonstrate the ability to work with Savvik as a dedicated vendor partner with the ultimate goal of serving the interests of Savvik members.

Each request for proposal Savvik releases can differ based upon the product or service being acquired; however, every vendor partner is required to provide the following:

  • Reporting of Purchasing Volume: Vendors agree to provide timely, accurate reporting of Savvik member utilization and purchase volume. Reports are communicated to Savvik via electronic media.
  • Contract Management Fee: Vendors agree to provide timely contract management fee payments to Savvik based upon a negotiated percentage of the member’s purchase volume.
  • Marketing: Vendors agree to make marketing items available to Savvik. Together with Savvik, Vendors agree to explain the new agreement and communicate the savings to the members.
  • Trade Shows: Vendors agree to exhibit their products and promote Savvik at EMS trade shows.

Thank you for your interest in Savvik, where public safety saves!

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Thank you!

Your entry has been received. 
You will hear back from us soon regarding your organization’s store credit.
If you have any questions, please contact us!